New Parish Announcement

We are currently in the process of establishing a new Russian Orthodox parish here in Indianapolis, based on local interest and a request made to our local diocese of the Russian Church.

We are organizing a meeting with Archbishop Peter, our ruling bishop, and Fr. Gregory Joyce, the diocesan secretary, within the next month. What we need to decide - and Vladyka to confirm - at that time is the name of our parish, where we will be meeting and holding services, and who will be our officers for the mission.

Prior to meeting with Vladyka, we will meet informally to pray and be together for the first time, to discuss plans for the mission, and to discern interest and involvement in the mission.

We ask that any and all who are interested to please sign up for our newsletter, like and check our Facebook page for updates, join us for the meetings, and to spread the word to anyone you think may be interested and invite them to do the same.