Mission Parish Receives Its Name

On Thursday, October 13, 2022, Abp. Peter of Chicago and Mid-America confirmed the name for the mission parish, which was put forth for confirmation based on the recommendation of Fr. Gabriel and the near unanimous consensus of those gathered for the first meeting of the mission parish on August 18.

The altar feast (престольный праздник) of the mission parish is September 13/26, the Dedication of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem.



Going forward, the mission will be known as:

Holy Resurrection Orthodox Church

Церковь Воскресения Христова

This is truly a joyous day, where we continue to witness to the truth, by emphasizing a central tenet of our faith - 1 Cor. 15:14 - in this age of ever-increasing doubt and unbelief. May God bless us, and may the light and truth of Christ's Resurrection shine brightly in us and in our city.