Report on the Visit of the Kursk Root Icon

We congratulate all our parishioners who labored to make the Icon’s visit this past Thursday a success. Despite not being able to advertise Our Lady’s visit much in advance, She drew almost 100 faithful and clergy from 9 different local parishes. The Moleben with the Supplicatory Canon to the Kursk Icon was served by mission rector Fr. Gabriel Monforte; and co-served by Hieromonk Raphael (Tadros), rector of St. George Russian Orthodox Church in Michigan City, who traveled with the Icon; Fr. John Miller, rector of Joy of All Who Sorrow Bulgarian Orthodox Church in Indianapolis; and Fr. Dragan Petrovic, rector of St. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church in Indianapolis. The guest choir for this special event sang beautifully and prayerfully.

The importance of Our Lady coming to comfort and aid us and bring our prayers to the throne of Her Son, as well as raising awareness of our mission parish’s existence, cannot be understated. May God bless each of us, and may the grace we received sustain us throughout the remainder of the Lenten season.