Visit of the Kursk Root Icon of the Sign

We are overjoyed to announce that on Thursday, March 9, at 6 p.m., the Kursk Root Icon of our Lady of the Sign will be visiting our mission parish, and we will serve a Moleben (Paraclesis) with Supplicatory Canon to the Theotokos. This is truly a significant event in the life of our mission, that our Lady is coming to be with us so soon after our beginning, so please do not miss this opportunity to venerate and pray before this holy Icon, which has been venerated by numerous Saints. The Kursk Root Icon of the Sign was first revealed in 1295, and has been widely venerated throughout Russia over the centuries. This is the Icon which healed St. Seraphim of Sarov when he was grievously ill as a youth, and this is the Icon before which St. John Maximovitch reposed in Seattle in 1966. For a longer history of the Icon, please see: